Red Truck Breakdown Reflective Triangles with Weighted Base

It is imperative that the truck or vehicle that has broken down can be seen by passing motorists. When a vehicle breaks down, the driver should take as much action as possible to alert oncoming traffic or other motorists to the vehicles position. Hazard lights should be activated immediately as well as emergency triangles placed on the approach to the vehicle. The Austrlaian Trucking Assoication and the Victorian Transport Industry Safety Group recommend that placement of Emergency Warning Triangles behind the vehicle should be at the following distances:
The placement of triangles is also regulated by national road laws. These laws may require a triangle to be placed in front of a truck in a dual carriageway. Always be aware of your local regulations and procedures when using breakdown triangles. Note that it is advisable in the event of a breakdown to exit the cabin from the left side door. Storing the emergency triangles and portable warning lights on the left side storage compartment will also reduce the driver’s exposure to passing traffic.