TerraGrid® Asphalt Reinforcement Geogrid

TerraGrid 6060C provides the best solution to prevent reflective cracking in asphalt overlays. It combines a high modulus polyester geogrid with a lightweight non-woven. This product is coated with bitumen to strengthen the bond with the asphalt layers. This increases the tensile strength and results in reducing tensile stress peaks.
As TerraGrid 6060C displays similar thermal expansion properties to asphalt, reflective cracking is reduced. This results in lower maintenance costs and extends the service life of the overlay.
TerraGrid® 6060C is manufactured in accordance to ISO 9001:2008
While an asphalt geogrid, it can also be used for:
The surface onto which the TerraGrid C is to be laid should be even, dry and free of dust and other loose materials. Cracks wider than 10mm should be filled with a suitable sealant. Finely milled surfaces are acceptable for installation of TerraGrid C; however, coarse or unevenly milled or broken surfaces should be regulated with a suitable fine (maximum aggregate size: 6mm) sand asphalt mix.
– By hand onto the sprayed surface: This should involve light tension to ensure that no wrinkles are formed. The TerraGrid C should be fully bonded by firm brushing with stiff bristle brooms applying a downward pressure on the TerraGrid C.
– By mechanical purpose built lay down dispenser: This should involve the use of a purpose built lay down dispenser. It must ensure that the TerraGrid C is held under tension and is pressed firmly onto the sprayed surface. On curves, TerraGrid C should be laid as chords. Chord lengths will be dependent on the curve radius. If the TerraGrid C curls at ends or roll edges, then a nail gun may be required to fix it down locally, particularly in cold weather.
– On straight sections, butt the adjacent rolls with a maximum joint gap between rolls equal to ¾ of the mix aggregate size maximum 15mm.
– Secure the starting end of each roll (in direction of paving) by nailing in place to the surface.
– Lay first TerraGrid C avoiding overlaps and wasteful cuts,
– Use cut patches nailed above TerraGrid C to fill untreated areas.
– The longitudinal joints between adjacent lengths should not coincide with a wheel path, a longitudinal construction joint or a longitudinal crack.
– Wherever practical, TerraGrid C should be laid across the entire width of the pavement prior to paving
TerraGrid® Asphalt Reinforcement Geogrid - Product Spec Sheet