Floor Mounted Combination Unit Emergency Safety Shower & Eyewash

A hand and foot operated unit which combines eye/face wash with a deluge shower head. The unit is stainless steel, resisting corrosion and giving solid support for the shower and eyewash. Activators are easy to locate and use. A top of the range unit with quality components throughout.
Soft flow eye wash heads have built in automatic pressure compensating valves to assure steady low under varying water supply conditions. heads have instant lip-open dust covers and built-in filter to protect the users against particles in the water low which may be damaging to the eyes
Flowsafe eye/face washes and showers are one of the most competitive on the market, stainless steel pipe will outlast most other brands and is heavy duty, chemical resistant bright yellow ABS bowl to handle the most rugged environment
Epoxy powder coated Bright Yellow and is easy to see and from kit form is very quick and easy to install, made from 304 grade stainless steel with a 2 year warranty.