Refuge Island (W8-25) 600 x 400 mm

Refuge island signs displayed to alert of an approaching pedestrian crossing on the road ahead. Pedestrians can cross the road in stages by stopping at a refuge island in the middle of the road. Refuge island can be found on busy roads, near shopping centres and schools. They allow for safe passage.
Road and Traffic warning signs alert motorists of changes to the conditions of the approaching roads. These signs warn of permanent or temporary traffic changes and obstacles.
Common warning signs seen on Australian roads warn of merging or added lanes, narrowing, corners or changes in the direction of the road. You will also see warning signage displayed at highway and motorway entry and exits. Where pedestrians, farm animals, or wildlife cross the road and roundabouts, stops, or giveway intersections.
Some temporary warnings could include changes to the road's surface or condition or during roadworks.