Petrolatum Outer Wrap - Step 4 Petrolatum Tape

RAM PETROLATUM TAPES are extremely surface tolerant and unyielding to moisture, acids, alkalis and salt solutions. RAM PETROLATUM TAPE systems utilize microcrystalline waxes which achieves excellent characteristics including high conformability, superior adhesion / amalgamation to itself and substrates whilst being user friendly to semi skilled applicators.
Surface Preparation
Wire brush dirt, loose rust and foreign matter from surface to be protected.Surfaces should be reasonably dry. On wet surfaces use RAM Marine Primer.
Apply a thin even film of RAM Primer over the metal surface by gloved hand.
RAM Moulding Mastic should be used where necessary to improve contours at fittings to achieve a streamline contour. The wrapped fitting with the specified overlap must have no voids, air bubbles and wrinkles.
Start applying the RAM Petrolatum Tape with a full circumferential turn around the fitting and utilize a nominal 50% overlap to achieve a double thickness of tape. Apply tape ensuring firm tension and then smooth down by hand to exclude any moisture and/or water.
On each new roll of tape, underlap the new roll on previous by a minimum 100 mm.
RAM High Temperature Outer Wrap should be spirally wrapped (similar to previous procedure) under tension to guarantee contact to achieve a nominal 50% overlap.