Traffic Separator - Flexible Panel & Socket Collapsible Delineator 750mm

Black/Yellow 750mm high panel & socket for flexible traffic separator system.
These are used to help direct traffic in the right direction where the usual line markings on the road may have changed temporarily. It can also be used for tidal flow as a moveable median unit. Once the job or project is over, these flexible traffic separators can then be removed and the road restored to its original condition. 1 panel & socket is required for every centre module within a flexible traffic separator system.
Easy to install, the system can be fixed to the ground semi-permanently or laid temporarily, using an assortment of horizontal and vertical traffic separator modules. This creates a highly visible barrier to deter traffic from crossing the midline.
The flexible traffic separator system uses this 750mm high vertical panel combined with one metre long horizontal modules. After the horizontal ground modules are laid, the vertical chevron panels can be clicked into place. The resulting effect gives good visibility for both motorists and pedestrians.
Horizontal ground modules and matching end caps available separately.