Class B "Water" Iron Cover & Frame DN600

Class B "Water" Iron Cover & Frame DN600. Access covers marked D are for typical trafficable applications such as carparks, verges, and certain road pavements. Access covers marked B DN 375 and DN 600 are for non-trafficable applications such as private property, parks and reserves.
Solid top covers are constructed of solid ductile iron which has not been filled with concrete. Alternatively, concrete infilled covers are ductile iron covers with concrete-filled recessed tops. These concrete filled covers are generally required in vehicular traffic applications in preference to solid top covers, because of their higher resistance to movement. Jaybro's range of access covers are compliant with Australian Standard AS3996:2006 Access covers and grates.
Always check with your local water authority regarding the appropriate covers and correct method of installation prior to commencing the project.