Aftek Trulevel Econopro Floor Level Underlay 20Kg Bag

Aftek Tru Floor Level Underlay, 20kg bag. Tru Level Econo Pro is a specially formulated floor levelling compound designed to achieve a smooth flat surface for the application of carpet, tiles, vinyl and floating floor systems. It can be applied from 2mm - 30mm in a single application and its rapid drying accepts foot traffic in 3-4 hours. It achieves a compressive strength of 25MPa in 7 days.
Tru Level Econo Pro is a specially formulated floor levelling compound designed to achieve a smooth flat surface for application of carpet, tiles, vinyl and floating floor systems. It can be used as a general purpose economical underlayment for carpet, vinyl, tiles, timber floors, and for reinstatement of uneven concrete slabs and floors. It is also ideal for leveling defective concrete that does not meet requirements of after trades such as vinyl, tiles, carpet; and for rapid repairs with minimal down time. Econopro is commonly used in commercial, domestic and light industrial applications.
Ideal for:
Surface Preparation:
All surfaces must be clean and free from grease, oil, paints sealers, curing compounds, dust or any material that will affect the bonding capabilities of the primer/leveling compound. Foreign material such as bitumen, adhesive or coatings such as epoxy must be removed via mechanical means such as scabbing, captive shot blasting or grinding followed by vacuuming to remove dust and dislodged material. If large holes and cracks are present fill with Tru Level Econo Pro mix with equal portions medium grade dry sand (Epilox F6 or F4 Fillers are preferred). All substrates must be primed with Level Hard Primer. Ensure concrete slabs are at least 14 days old prior to application of Tru Level Econo Pro.
Prime all prepared areas with Level Hard Primer using a roller, brush, broom or spray application. Level Hard Primer is supplied in a ready to use form. Do not dilute with water. Apply Level Hard Primer at a coverage rate of 5-7 square meters per litre. For extremely porous substrates a second coat of primer may be required to eliminate air bubbles, pinholes and adhesive issues that may arise due to insufficient primer. For very dense and non-porous substrates such as burnished concrete surfaces, it is recommended that Primeseal be used as the primer. For additional information contact the manufacturer.
Tru Level Econo Pro requires 4.5 – 4.8 litres of water per 20kg bag.
Apply the mixed Tru Level to the prepared and primed substrate using a trowel, squeegee or screed bar to give the required finished thickness. The maximum thickness applied in any application should be limited to 30mm. Consult Aftek technical staff for thicknesses greater than 30mm. Feather edging must be kept to a minimum. The application of a curing membrane or water is not necessary.
Clean Up:
Wash all tools and equipment with fresh, clean water immediately after use. Tru Level Econo Pro can only be removed mechanically.
Storage:Shelf life of 9 months if stored in the original sealed packaging.
Yield:Using 4.8 litres of water per 20kg bag, coverage of 2.6 square metres at 5mm thick can be acheived, up to 0.43 metres at 30mm thick.