Aftek Trulevel Tuff Top Floor Leveller 20kg

Tru-Level Tuff Top is designed to achieve a smooth flat surface for application of tiles, vinyl timber floors and floating floor systems. Its rapid drying accepts foot traffic in 3-4 hours and it can be applied from 5mm to 30mm in a single application. Floor coverings and coatings can be applied 24 hours after application.
TruLevel Tuff Top is a specially formulated floor leveling compound designed to achieve a smooth flat surface for application of tiles, vinyl timber floors and floating floor systems. Tru Level Tuff Top is designed as a stand alone overlay for internal / external applications.
Ideal for:
Surface Preparation:
All surfaces must be clean and free from grease, oil, paints sealers, curing compounds, dust or any material that will affect the bonding capabilities of the primer/leveling compound. If large holes and cracks are present fill with Tru Level Tuff Top mix with equal portions medium grade dry sand. All substrates must be primed with Level Hard Primer. Ensure concrete slabs are at least 14 days old prior to application of Tru Level Tuff Top.
Tru Level Tuff Top requires 4.7 to 4.9 litres of water per 20kg bag. Accurately pre-measure the required water and add to the mixing bucket. Slowly add powder to the water whilst continuously mixing. Using an electric mixing drill with a high shear stirrer or a spiral mixing paddle mix the contents for 3-4 minutes ensuring a uniform homogenous consistency is obtained. Tru Level Tuff Top may be applied using a continuous automatic pump
Apply using a trowel, squeegee or screed bar to give the required finished thickness. The maximum thickness applied in any application should be limited to 30mm. The minimum application of Tru Level Tuff Top as a wearing course is 5mm. The application of a curing membrane or water is not necessary.
Clean Up:
Wash all tools and equipment with water immediately after use. Tru Level Tuff Top can only be removed mechanically.
Storage:Shelf life of 9 months if stored in the original sealed packaging in a cool dry place.
Yield:One bag mixed with 4.9L water covers 0.43 square metres at 30mm thick, up to 2.6 square metres at 5mm thick.