Aftek Penaflow Panel Grout 20Kg Bag

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Aftek Penaflow Panel Grout is a Class A cementitious construction grout based on a blend of Portland cement, high quality graded aggregates and additives which control expansion whilst the grout is in a plastic state. Aftek Penaflow panel grout is sold in 20 kg bags. It is ideal as a general purpose grout and can be dry packed, trowelled or poured. 

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Aftek Penaflow Panel Grout is a Class A construction grout based on a blend of Portland cement, high quality graded aggregates and additives, which control expansion whilst the grout is in a plastic state. It is an ideal GP grout, for all general purpose grouting under precast panels, filling cavities, filling core holes and more.

It is ideal as a general purpose grout and can be dry packed, trowelled or poured. It requires only water and mechanical mixing to prepare it for use. With a final set of 2.5 hours in dry pack consistency, it is ideal for most general cementitious grouting applications. Aftek Penaflow Panel Grout has a compressive strength at 7 days of over 40MPa, and at 28 days over 55MPa.


  • Shrinkage compensated
  • Gaseous experiences while in plastic state eliminate shrinkage and settlement
  • Non metallic iron content eliminates shaving
  • Can be dry packed, rended, trowelled and paved
  • Pumpable for larger applications
  • Grouting from 20mm to 150mm in a single application
  • Australian made
  • Ideal for:

  • General purpose grout
  • Grouting underneath precast panels and concrete sections
  • Anchor bolts filling
  • Filling in cavities, gaps and base infills
  • Filling in core holes created in panels by core drilling
  • Suitable for block work in core filling

    Surface Preparation:

    The substrate to be grouted must be clean, sound and free from dust, oil, grease, curing compounds or any foreign matter that will affect the grout adhesion bond. Bolt holes and anchor points must be clean and free of water. All prepared areas must be saturated with water for a minimum of 4 hours prior to grouting. This will reduce the porosity of the substrate.

    Prior to grouting, ensure all excess water is removed and all holes must be free from water and no puddles of water are present. If grouting under base plates, it is imperative that bleed holes or venting holes are provided (this will eliminate pressure build up in a confined area).

    It is essential that the formwork to be constructed is leak proof and water tight. In order to achieve this it is recommended that foam rubber strips or a suitable sealant such as polyurethane or silicone be used underneath the formwork. The formwork should be constructed, which will allow and ensure a grout head is maintained on the side above the level of the underside at the base plate. The formwork should allow for gravity flow of grout with a suitable grout head allowing for continuous flow between the base plate and the concrete substrate.

    To ensure ease of formwork removal, the formwork should be coated with form oil or release oil prior to grouting.


    Penatech HS Grout must be mixed with a mechanical mixer with a high shear mixer or a suitable drum mixer that creates a forced action mixing. For smaller quantity mixing, an electric drill with a spiral mixing paddle is suitable. The speed drill should be approx. 500-600 rpm. Do not mix by hand. Refer to the Technical Data Sheet for further information on mixing and water ratios.


    Penaflow Panel Grout can be placed in three different ways:

    Dry Pack/ Stiff Grout:

    Ensure sufficient water is present to obtain a stiff/ dry pack consistency. If the grout is too dry, insufficient hydration of the cements will cause low strength gain and inadequate curing. Using a tamping rod or a suitable temping tool, apply the grout in the required position tamping to ensure adequate compaction.

    Gravity flow using header box:

    Mix the grout to a flowable consistency and pour grout from one side to avoid air entrapment. Ensure a grout head box is used and the grout head is maintained at all times. This will ensure continuous flow of grout without the possibility of air entrapment.

    Large volume pumping:

    Mix the grout using a forced action mixer. A positive displacement pump is the recommended pump for large placement application. For large grout pours ensure the grout is pumped from the bottom upwards as this will minimize any air entrapment and ensure complete void filling. For base plates pump from one side ensuring an air bleeder hole is available in the formwork or base plate to ensure any build up of pressure is released from the bleeder hole. Do not vibrate or use a mechanical vibrator to assist flow.

    On completion of grout application, all exposed grout should be cured in accordance with good concrete practice. The exposed grout should be covered with plastic sheeting, wet hessian or wet liquid curing compounds. Refer to the Technical Data Sheet for more information.

    Clean Up:

    Wash all tools and equipment with fresh, clean water immediately after use. Penaflow Panel Grout can only be removed mechanically.


    Shelf life of 9 months if stored in the original sealed packaging.


    One bag yields 10.3 litres in a dry pack consistency, 10.6 litres trowellable, and 11 litres flowable consistency.

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