Aftek Penapatch Structural HB50 Mortar 20kg Bag

Penapatch HB50 is a high strength, high build, medium weight shrinkage compensated structural repair mortar. Penapatch HB50 is designed to be used for vertical or horizontal applications. Penapatch HB50 has high, ultimate compressive strength and high abrasion resistance. The specially selected cement and polymers contained in Penapatch HB50 provide a mortar with strong adhesion to concrete and masonry on vertical and horizontal substrates with extremely low shrinkage and relatively low density. Penapatch HB50 requires only the addition of water.
Penapatch HB50 is designed to be used for vertical or horizontal applications. Penapatch HB50 has high, ultimate compressive strength and high abrasion resistance. The specially selected cements and polymers contained in Penapatch HB50 provide a mortar with strong adhesion to concrete and masonry on vertical and horizontal substrates with extremely low shrinkage and relatively low density. Penapatch HB50 requires only the addition of water.
Ideal for:
Surface Preparation:
All surfaces must be free of oil, grease, dust, plaster, paint and any other contamination that will inhibit the bond. Any cracked or weakened surface should be removed and repaired to provide a solid foundation. It is recommended that for large areas a minimum depth of 5mm be prepared to avoid excessive feather edging or skim coating. Break out the repair area to a minimum of 5mm up to the saw cut edge. Scabbing or high-pressure water blasting should be used to remove laitance and provide a mechanical key. If any corroded steel is present remove all loose scale and corrosion/rust deposits. Grit blasting is effective in removing corrosion, and all steel including re-bars should be cleaned to a bright condition. Immediately after cleaning the steel, the steel should be treated with Aftek Zinc Rich Primer. This will stop further oxidation and corrosion.
Priming is necessary for concrete and masonry, exposed steel and rebar. Refer to the Technical Data Sheet for further information.
Penapatch HB50 is ready to use - simply add the powder to 2.7 – 3 litres of water and mix using a mechanical forced action mixer with a high shear spiral mixing paddle. Mixing normally takes 3-5 minutes.
Thoroughly compact the mortar into the prepared and primed substrate and around the exposed steel reinforcement and re-bars. A smooth surface can be obtained using a steel trowel. Penapatch HB50 can also be applied using a wet application technique. The mortar is pre-mixed with the required dosage of water and then pumped through a delivery hose through a spray gun with a suitable nozzle. Curing should be conducted using a suitable curing compound, such as Curecon A, applied in accordance with the Technical Data Sheet.
Clean Up:
Wash all tools and equipment with fresh, clean water immediately after use. Penapatch HB50 can only be removed mechanically.
Storage:HB50 has a shelf life of 9 months if stored in the original packaging in a cool dry place.
Yield:One bag will yield 12.9 litres at 2.9 litres water per 20kg bag. 78 bags are required per cubic metre.