Aftek Penapatch Fairing Coat Mortar Grey 20kg

Fairing Coat Grey Mortar is a fine textured, fast setting cementitious mortar formulated for repair of damaged concrete where only a thin layer is required. The specially selected cement and polymers produce a fast setting mortar with exceptional adhesion to concrete and masonry materials with negligible shrinkage. Aftek Fairing Coat Mortar cures to a smooth surface that does not reflect through subsequently applied architectural coatings. It sets quickly and provides an excellent bond to concrete.
Aftek Fairing Coat can be applied over other Aftek mortars to produce a smooth uniform surface. It can be used in stand-alone or exposed applications as it doesn’t require an additional coating. Additionally, this mortar can be used to
Ideal for:
Surface Preparation:
All contacted surfaces must be free of oil, grease or other contamination which may inhibit bond. Any cracked or weakened concrete should be removed prior to being repaired to provide a solid foundation. Scabbling or water blasting should be used to remove laitance and provide a mechanical key. Priming with Rendergrip A is essential to ensure good adhesion to the substrate. Where the substrate is very porous pre-dampening with water may be required. Free water on the surface will reduce the bond and ultimate strength.
Fairing Coat Mortar is suitable for mixing using a drill and suitable paddle, or by hand where only a small quantity is required. Use 5.0 - 5.5 litres of water per bag of Fairing Coat Mortar to achieve a smooth, soft mortar consistency. Excess water will reduce the final strength and make application of the render more difficult. Always add the powder to the water while mixing slowly to avoid lumps. Only mix that quantity of material that can be used within the setting time. Do not attempt to rework or re-temper any partially set product.
Apply the mixed Fairing Coat Mortar to the substrate using a trowel to give the required finished thickness. The maximum thickness applied in any application should be limited to 5mm. Feather edging may be used in patch repairs. The application of a thin coat of Rendergrip A as a curing membrane will reduce premature drying in repairs subject to direct sun or strong winds.
Clean Up:
Clean all equipment with water immediately after use.
Storage:Fairing Coat Mortar is a cement based product which must be stored in a dry area off the ground. Fairing Coat Mortar should be used within 12 months of date manufacture.
Yield:A 20 kg bag of Fairing Coat Mortar will cover approximately 4 square metres at an average thickness of 3 mm.