HeartSine Samaritan PAD 360P AED Defibrillator

A sophisticated fully automatic defibrillator for adult or paediatric use, inside a lightweight and easy-to-operate system. The SAM 360P is a fully automatic defibrillator designed to analyse heart rhythm and automatically deliver an electrical shock (if needed). Consists of a defibrillator in carrying case with adult Pad-Pak and full 8-year warranty.
Designed for simplicity, this sophisticated fully automatic defibrillator is suitable for adult or paediatric use. It is a lightweight and easy-to-operate system. The SAM 360P is an automatic defibrillator that analyses heart rhythm and delivers an electrical shock if needed.
This defib unit consists of a portable defibrillator device in carrying case with adult Pad-Pak battery and electrode cartridge. This Pad-Pak has an expiration date and offers a simple maintenance changeover every four years. This AED offers a full 8-year warranty.
HeartSine Samaritan PAD 360P Connected AED offers Wi-Fi connectivity to LIFELINKcentral AED Program Manager, providing key features to help ensure AED readiness.
LIFELINKcentral AED Program Manager: Monitors AED programs by tracking AED readiness status, Pad-Pak expirations, CPR/AED training certificates and more.
Integrated connectivity: Communicates via Wi-Fi with LIFELINKcentral™ AED Program Manager to enable AEDs to be managed across single or multiple locations.
Real-time CPR coaching: Easy to understand visual and voice prompts guide the rescuer through the entire resuscitation process, including CPR—a key link in the chain of survival.
One-button operation:With just an ON/OFF button, offers a simple, straightforward operation.
Automatic shock delivery / Motion detection: After analyzing heart rhythm, automatically delivers a shock (if needed), eliminating the need for the rescuer to push a shock button.
Portable and lightweight: Most portable AED with its light weight and compact footprint.
Clinically validated technology: Proprietary electrode technology and SCOPE biphasic technology, a low energy escalating waveform, that automatically adjusts for differences in patient impedance.
Highest level of protection against dust and water: Offers unmatched ruggedness with its high IP56 rating.
Two parts, one expiration date: The innovative Pad-Pak, an integrated battery and electrode single-use cartridge with one expiration date, offers one simple maintenance change every four years.
Low cost of ownership: Shelf life of four years means that the Pad-Pak offers significant savings over other defibrillators that require separate battery and electrode replacements.